We had two classes today. In the first one
we did part of unit #3 Prewriting; of The Write Path book.
we did part of unit #3 Prewriting; of The Write Path book.
We just covered the Brainstorming section.
In the second class we did unit 14 of Impact
Grammar. The lesson was about:Prepositions
of location and direction.
-Brainstorming: What I like about ICUHS
-Prepositions worksheet 20 Qs
-Trying it: Where do you like to go in your
city or town. You need to describe the location
of some of these places. Write directions to
go from one place to another.
*Use prepositions IN, AT, ON, TO*
In is used with the names of cities, states, counties and countries (in Dallas, in New Jersey, in Bexar County, in Mexico).
On is used with the names of streets (on Broadway, on Park Drive).
At is used with numerical addresses (at 8649 Broadway).
Try this online quiz to see what you remember:
In the second class we did unit 14 of Impact
Grammar. The lesson was about:Prepositions
of location and direction.
-Brainstorming: What I like about ICUHS
-Prepositions worksheet 20 Qs
-Trying it: Where do you like to go in your
city or town. You need to describe the location
of some of these places. Write directions to
go from one place to another.
*Use prepositions IN, AT, ON, TO*
In is used with the names of cities, states, counties and countries (in Dallas, in New Jersey, in Bexar County, in Mexico).
On is used with the names of streets (on Broadway, on Park Drive).
At is used with numerical addresses (at 8649 Broadway).
Try this online quiz to see what you remember: